Saturday, April 14, 2012


Welcome to Canyonclan, home of the smart, swift, and brave. Do you have what it takes to live in our hot, dry climates? Can you sharpen your skills enough to make it around our territory. Then show us! Join by using the form below!

Picture URL:
Theme Song:

Please join! Have fun!


  1. Name: Owltalon
    Rank: Deputy?
    Description/Personality:Owltalon is a handsome, dark brown tabby tom with a white under-belly and icy blue eyes. He's small, but well-built. He is calm, cool, collected, and unreadable. Often, cats mistake his distance for aloofness and dislike him. Owltalon is quiet and reserved, but insightful and always thinks before he says something. He's patient and kind and loves kits. Owltalon can be playful and a bit silly once you coax him out of his shell. He's an excellent fighter but not that good of a hunter, as he's rather noisy and not that stealthy. He is determined and loves to work out problems. He's not a very good conversationalist and when angered is silent and cold.
    Kin/Kits/Crush: His sister is Birdfrost. He likes Misticflight.
    Picture URL:
    Theme Song: Bulletproof by 12 Stones

    Name: Birdfrost
    Rank: Queen
    Description/Personality: An ordinary light brown tabby she cat with pure white paws and light blue eyes. She is agile, swift, funny, kind, and loves to talk. She could talk all day nonstop if she wanted to. She is not afraid to kick some butt when necessary. She is the opposite of a helpless she-cat. Emberkit is supportive and will always be there for her kin and friends. She is also good under pressure. She is also stubborn, when she makes up her mind, there's no use trying to change it. She is fearless, sarcastic, fierce in battle, and flirty. Don't worry, she knows when to shut up.
    Kin/Kits/Crush: She's expecting kits. Her brother is Owltalon.
    Other: She was kidnapped from her brother one day and forced to bare kits by an evil cat. She escaped with the help of her brother and they made their way here.
    Picture URL:
    Theme Song:

    Here's my cat's pic, info will be up shortly.

  3. Name: Rosefall
    Rank: Warrior
    Description/Personality: Light orange/red she-cat with a dark red tail. Rosefall is a loving warrior with an attitude and sometimes attacks with her sharp tounge. She doesn't have a short temper, do you'd have to make her really mad to get her to go after you. Sometimes she has doubts about her Clanmates, being wary around her cats. Usually she is on the outskirts of a crowd, and you have to start a conversation with her. Otherwise she is a shy, gentle warrior, who puts loyalty to the code above all else. She can be a bit moody sometimes.
    Family/kin/crush: She has no family that she knows if, but definitely knows she likes Burststar. She's convinced that her crush is a hopeless one.
    Other: none.
    Theme song: We are young by Fun. (feat Janelle Monáe)
    Pic: posted already.

    1. Name:Sloepaw
      Rank:medecine cat apprentice?
      Description/Personality:Pretty black she-cat with a blue shine to her pelt.She has bright blue eyes.She's laid back,and calm.She likes to take things as they come and refuses to worry about problems that aven't happened yet.She very kind,but has a sturdy and sturborn look about her.She will always help cats back up,and hates to see any self pity in anyone.She's very sarcastic but she never says anything that's hurtful.
      Kin/Kits/Crush:Her sister is Wetpaw.her brother is Bluepaw.Her parents are dead.
      Other:She started learning herbs from other rogues.She doesn't fully understand the idea of never being able to have a mate or kits,witch might one day get her into trouble.
      Picture URL:
      Theme Song:One step at a time by Jordin Sparks

      Description/Personality:White she-cat with grey tabby markings and Bright blue eyes.She's hardworking,fierce when provoked and imensly loyal to her friends.Her eyes always glow with determination and anyone can see that she always trys her best.She's hard on herself but is very sympethic with others.She loves adventures,and hates being stuck in camp for to long.She refuses to be anyone but herself and loves teasing those she's close to.
      Kin/Kits/Crush:Her parents are dead.Bluepaw is her brother and Sloepaw is her sister.
      Other:She realy misses her parents,even now.
      Picture URL:
      Theme Song:Someone's watching over me by Hillary Duff

      Description/Personality:Blue-grey tom with pale blue-green eyes.He's kind,calm and hardworking.He rarly says anything and always looks especialy serious or calm.Even when he trys not to.He honestly doesn't know how to laught,smile or have FUN.He's always cautious about everything.THought he's as determined and strong willed as any of his littermates.He's especialy protective of his sisters.
      Kin/Kits/Crush:His sisters are Sloepaw and Wetpaw.
      Other:He can't bring himself to open up to anyone.
      Picture URL:
      Theme Song:It's my life by Bon jovi [?]

  4. Name: Appletail
    Rank: medicine cat
    Paragraph: Appletail is a pretty light ginger tabby she-cat with light green eyes. She is sweet, funny, kind, and caring. She loves all cats, and can't stand to see anyone, even the evilest vilan, hurt. When she was an apprentice, she cared for rouge cats and got caught. She was punished for a long time because of it. She is desperate to prove that she can be a good medicine cat.
    Kin/Kits/Crush: none

    Name: Mintfall
    Rank: warrior
    Paragraph: Mintfall is a stunning snow white she-cat with mint green eyes. She is quiet, sensitive and protective of everything that she loves. She will die to protect her clan and loved ones. She knows where her loyalties lie, and hates anything that conflicts with them. She feels torn when she has to decide between relatives and loyalties, but seems to always end up on loyalty's side.
    Kin/Kits/Crush: likes Owltalon

    Name: Bravefang
    Rank: warrior
    Paragraph: Bravefang is a ginger tom with amber eyes. He is smart, fearless, and witty. He can think of a joke on the spot, and make everyone in the room laugh. He is always hanging out with his friends, and will be your coimical relief in a crisis. Sometimes his endless jokes makes him annoying, but he is still a fun, easygoing friend.
    Kin/Kits/Crush: none

    1. Name: Minnowpaw *Minnowmint*
      Rank: apprentice
      Paragraph: Minnowpaw is a stunning brown tabby she-cat with icy blue eyes. She is swift, smart, fierce, fearless, funny, outgoing, and loving. Her siblings are Icypaw and Frozenpaw. The three are quite tight. They love to do everything together. They never get into fights.

      Name: Icypaw *Icyeyes*
      Rank: apprentice
      Paragraph: Icypaw is a handsome brown tabby tom with ice blue eyes. He is smart, swift, fierce, fearless, funny, outgoing, and wants to impress everyone. He can't stand crying she-cats. His sisters are Minnowpaw and Frozenpaw. The three are quite tight. They love to do everything together. They never get into fights.

      Name: Frozenpaw *Frozenflame*
      Rank: apprentice
      Paragraph: Frozenpaw is a beautiful tabby she-cat with stunning ice blue eyes. She is one of the most beautiful cats in the clan, thanks to her eyes. She is fearless, fierce, smart, swift, funny, and outgoing. Her siblings are Minnowpaw and Icypaw. The three are quite tight. They love to do everything together. They never get into fights. Many toms fall for her, but she has a crush on Bluepaw, and won't lay her eyes on any other tom.
