Sunday, April 15, 2012

All About Canyonclan

Canyonclan is a very, very new clan. It all started back in a clan called Fadingclan. Burststar, then Burstlight, and Mysticflight were both warriors there. But not long after being named warriors, the clan experienced a horrific forest fire. Not a single life was spared, besides these two. They took the time and effort to bury every single clan-mate, then moved on their way. They traveled many moons, and soon came upon a humongous canyon. (Which happens to be Bryce Canyon.)
They figured all of the narrow formations made a perfect way to get around. They even found an area open to the sky, yet hidden from the world. Better yet, there was a small river of crisp, clean water there. They have adapted to finding prey in this place, yet instead of Leaf-bare being a problem, it is now mostly green-leaf. The heat is almost unbearable. But as time passes, our clan has developed was of surviving. Our pelts tend to be short, and our claws have grown very long and sharp to help grasp rocks. Our hearing has become absolutely superb, since every noise in the canyon is enhanced.
Although, we must take extra precaution to stay in our camp at night. That is when larger, hungrier creatures come out. Cats have adapted surprisingly fast, considering how new the clan is.

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